Research & Impact Studies

We work as research partners, to major development research organizations, universities and private sector. We have undertaken multiple research projects in the agricultural sector, renewable energy and water for productive use. We have experience in topics including gender, food safety, environmental and social compliance, inclusivity, skills development and labour. Our portfolio of research and impact studies include:

Research Projects

Period Country Summary of Activities Performed Relevant to the Assignment
2022 Kenya Evaluation of opportunities for food safety public diplomacy to promote access to safe and health food for all in Kenya.
2022 Kenya Evaluation of opportunities to reduce food waste and food loss in Nairobi urban markets through locally driven innovations
and partnerships between food retailers and the circular economy.

I was involved in the development of gender and sexual harassment model policies and training of management and
gender committees.
2020-2021 Tanzania international value chains.

Support to 16 companies in Horticulture on women labour issues, specifically focusing women labour issues,
gender violence and sexual harassment.
2019-2021 Kenya The overall project is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Tanzania Horticulture, tea and coffee sectors through
promotion of wider adoption to standards. I had the role of developing guidelines and conducting TOT for 150 extension
workers and 15 auditors to implement sustainability standards with a focus on gender and youth.
2016-2020 Kenya This is a higher education practical training project implemented by Wageningen University in partnership with Meru
University in Kenya and Tradecare Africa. Tradecare had the role of supporting 6 TVETS in Kenya mainstream gender and
marginalized communities in academic curriculum development, policies and procedures.
2020-2021 Ethiopia This is a multicounty multiannual project aimed at analyzing the industry organisations and key business partners involved
in tea, coffee, and horticulture value chains in order to design technical assistance and financial packages to catalyze
inclusion of smallholder farmers with particular attention to women in national and
TradeCare Africa